It’s been a while since my last update. As my dad used to say, “It’s not that I don’t care about you, I just forgot about you.”
Ah, childhood!
My last chapter is a serious change of speed. It’s taken us 40,000 words to get through a long weekend. That’s almost the entire book. We’re running out of space. Scholastic will not be happy if we turn in an Infinite-Jest-length manuscript.
The big scene happens the following Saturday (community center has an open house and Cody meets his demons). So I put my foot down on the gas pedal, and in one chapter blew through an entire school week. It was like, “Monday, Mia wore new clothes. Tuesday, Connor picked his nose. Wednesday, Indra went to mass…” You can imagine what happened to Tom on Thursday. Incidentally, those are all actual names from the book.
Along the way, I broadened the scope of the big scene. I sort of have it now. I really hope Melanie likes it, because I can see some fun places for it to go. Drake (yes, that Drake up there) will not be happy.