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And we're off...

Well it happened. I created a file called Belongingness, which is the book’s tentative title.

Between you and me, I do not love the title. But it’ll do for now. More than a placeholder. We’ll come back to the title issue later, meanwhile keeping our minds open in case an idea falls on us.

Deadmaus was playing quietly in the background. I took a sip of coffee. And another. And typed.

Cody stares at his father’s hands.

That’s the first sentence. Good enough – good enough for now anyway. Over the next hour or two I set the scene, Cody and his dad at home, and talked about what Cody’s worrying about. Time passed. I wrote a couple of paragraphs of description and action, crossed out a few sentences, added another bit of action, then 3 or 4 dialogue exchanges. The work added up to a page and a half in total. I got some more coffee, then went back for more.

The world intruded – Revenue Canada (ugh), friends (ah), kids (hey). Time for a walk and a snack. My reading decision was between Bridge of San Luis Rey and Icelandic police thriller.

I might get back to the story later today. Will certainly get back to it tomorrow.

Til next time…


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